DTA enewsletter with the Editor – 6 July 2016

This month newsletter is a little bit more concise due to our lovely big June edition. However, it still contains lots of important information and notices so please make sure you read through all the information.

We also currently have a shortage of member’s articles so please put your pens to paper or fingers to keyboard and share with us your activities, programs, research and tricks of the trade to keep resources and networking alive.

Also I would like to call on Network Groups to maybe submit something on what is happening around Australia and please also make sure you update any changes with the office so the website can also be kept up to date as well.

Finally, no matter where you are with all of Australia’s extreme weather of late please keep warm and safe and send in your pictures promoting our DTA Vest we would love to see our members out wearing them.

Till next month – Ed

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