DTA e-newsletter with the Editor – 9 December 2015

We are nearing the end of another DTA year and what a year it has being with wonderful networks being made internationally, new MOU’s, wonderfully packed workshops and another encouraging conference.

We saw some of our colleagues make achievements personally, professionally and in business circles and I personally would like to congratulate them.

I would also like to thank the DTA Board who gives their time on top of their busy lives that may include other employment, family and volunteer roles. To the Office staff who assist me as Editor with the e-newsletter on a regular basis and to all of our members and unknown possibilities that either walk into the office door, make a call or an email enquiry. To my fellow newsletter team members that help on a regular basis – Lauretta Kaldor with her book reviews, Kim Bromley who often helps me out with fillers and top 10 activity ideas and our new student Lauren who has gained her own little corner of the newsletter to share some knowledge. To Kylie Rice whom I must drive absolutely mad with the constant backwards and forwards of getting e-newsletter right so that it can go up on to the web which she takes all in her stride on top of a job, board volunteer role and then the web role.

This year also saw me sadly see Renee Rizzo step away from the bigger commitments of DTA someone who mentored me as a university student, convinced me to get involved with DTA on committees, conferences and newsletter something I am still doing and have never regretted thank you for your years of service but I know you will be working hard behind the scenes as you won’t be able to help yourself!!!!

Always consider using the newsletter to share ideas: whether they be outings, activities, recipes, books, movies, programs or research as the newsletter is what each and every one of us makes of the process and content which can only constantly improve and become a stronger platform of information.

Finally, a personal note from myself I would like to wish each and every one of you a safe and happy holiday season spend it surrounded with love and laughs with those you hold close whether in person, Skype or what other technology means and we look forward to seeing your submissions to newsletter or faces at our DTA events in the new year.

Till next time – Ed

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