Reading in the Moment by Anne Vize
Stories and activities to share with adults with dementia
A Speechmark Practical therapy resource
The author Anne Vize has a Masters degree in special education and has had published 30+ titles for people with special needs. Through her work and research into the needs of adults with cognitive challenges to recreation, Anne has written this book to encourage care staff and families to fill this gap. Reading is possibly one of the skills that remains with adults with dementia long into the illness in much the same way as musical memories remain. Reading aloud or being read to at a session with people who have dementia, can provide a positive recreation experience. With short term memory loss the client may not remember the session but will enjoy the moment of the reading session. Finding adult and appropriate activities for clients with dementia in an aged care setting or at home is a challenge for staff and families. Much of what is available is often juvenile and not centred on adult topics. Activities that encourage reading and mental stimulation are paramount as part of a good recreation program and keeping the mind active. A reading session can provide a normalising experience in an aged care setting.
Parts 1-3 of this book describes the bibliotherapy concept and the rationale of providing appropriate reading material for the clients as well a practical approaches to using methods suggested. Parts 4-6 are short stories, biographies and poetry. These are simply written but not juvenile and are suitable for photocopying to use in small groups or one-one-one reading sessions. I found these very enjoyable and sensitively written. Resources and ideas to complement the individual session are suggested with ideas of using any sensory tools that are related to the topic.
There are templates at the back of the book that can be used to help therapy staff plan and evaluate reading sessions. These can also be used to apply for a grant to purchase appropriate materials for the future recreation needs of clients who have challenges to recreation.
I commend this practical book to diversional therapists, occupational therapists, recreation staff and care workers in aged care and also to students in these professions as a reference.
To purchase ‘Reading in the Moment’ (ISBN 9780863889813 published in 2014 by Speechmark) in Australia, please contact:
Anne Vize
Banksia Publishing
0447 907 771
Cost: $74 AUD (includes postage and handling to an Australian address)