Nominations are being sought by DTA from financial members for this award co-sponsored by the late Wendy Butler and B&S Books. The award will be awarded to the nomination that can demonstrate the most innovative leisure programme.
The winner will receive a $250.00 B&S Books voucher.
Wendy Butler joined The Diversional Therapy Association of Australia in 1979 and over the years Wendy was a valued member of the Management Committee of the Association and was made a Life Member of the DTA-NSW in 2002. It was during her working years at the Anglican Retirement Villages, Castle Hill, NSW that Wendy began her highly successful and innovative friendship groups with Margaret Stephens. As a flow on from these groups the Never Too Old to Learn series was born. Wendy and Margaret spent many hours between 1986 and 2005 writing their “Never Too Old To Learn” and “Never Too Old for Fun” books. So B & S Books was ‘born’, and thousands of copies later and with books distributed and used throughout Australia, New Zealand, the United States and who knows where else, Wendy’s dream was realised. The books provided Wendy and Margaret with many lecturing opportunities across Australia and the regional groups and other State Associations benefited from their vast knowledge and experience. Many of the “Back to Basics” workshops run by the Association contained a session on mental stimulation provided by ‘the girls’ and they travelled, often at their own expense, to provide this education to regional groups in country areas of NSW as well as for other State Associations.
Forming a National Association throughout Australia was most definitely Wendy’s brainchild and vision. Through her instigation, ‘gentle’ urging, and a number of state meetings, a steering committee was formed at the DTAA Annual Convention in Wagga Wagga in 1991. The Wendy Butler Recognition Award was launched in 2010 at the Diversional Therapy Australia national conference.
Nominations must contain the following details:
Programme title Programme description
Programme outcomes Equipment/materials involved
Facilitation/leadership strategies Evaluation strategies
Feedback from clients, family and or staff
Nominations are to be no more than two (2) A4 pages with a minimum of 12 point font. Photos are optional (please only include if they add to the written submission).
Nominations must be received by COB 1st September 2015 and are to be mailed to:
Att: Wendy Butler Recognition Award
PO Box 83, North Ryde NSW 1670
The winner will be announced at Diversional Therapy Australia’s National Conference in Gold Coast 16th October 2015
Submissions will be judged by a panel and all decisions will be final with no appeals accepted